This Comprehensive Course Covers The Key Technologies Used In Web Design And Development, Including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, & MySQL. With a Focus On Hands-On Learning, This Course Will Provide You With The Skills And Knowledge You Need To Build Dynamic, Interactive Websites.
What you'll Learn
- Introduction With HTML.
- Creating a Website Structure With HTML.
- Understanding CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).
- Using CSS to Style a Website.
- CSS3 Effects & Implementation.
- Clear Concept About Website Layout.
- The Importance Of Mobile-First Design.
- Responsive Page Using Media Query.
- Responsive Single Page Website Creation.
- Multipage Website Creation.
- Introduction to JavaScript.
- Add Interactivity to a Website with JavaScript.
- Introduction to jQuery.
- jQuery Effects & Uses.
- Advanced jQuery Concepts Such As Event Handling And Animation
- jQuery Plugins Integration In Website.
- Responsive Design With Navbar & Slider.
- PSD to Responsive Website Creation (Using Html, CSS, JavaScript & jQuery).
- Practice Your Skills With 10+ Challenges.
- Introduction To PHP Fundamentals.
- Variables, Operators, Statements, Loops, Functions, Arrays, Form Handling, From Validation, SESSIONS, COOKIES & Much More.
- Object Oriented PHP. (OOP)
- Understanding Server-Side Programming.
- Introduction To MySQL.
- Database Management.
- Depth Learning Of MySQL (RDMS).
- Connecting A Website To A Database Using PHP And MySQL.
- Creating dynamic web pages with PHP.
- Sign-Up & Login System.
- Creating Admin Panel Or Dashboard.
- Live Project On School/College Dynamic Website Develpment.
- Deploying A Website To A Web Server.
- Concept Abouts Domain & Hosting.
- C-Panel Server Management.
This Course Is Designed For Individuals With Little To No Previous Experience In Web Design And Development. By The End Of This Course, You Will Have A Strong Understanding Of HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery, PHP, & Mysql, And Will Be Able To Build Dynamic And Interactive Websites.
- I Will Teach You Everything. All You Need Is A Computer.
- No Previous Coding Experience And No Pre-Knowledge Is Needed. This Is A 100% Comprehensive Web Development Course That Will Take You From Zero-Skills To A Cash Earning Web Developer, Step By Step With No Step Skipped.
- You Don’t Need To Buy Any Software. All Tools And Software Used In This Course Will Be Free.
- Prepare To Learn Real Life Skills And Build Real Web Apps That Will Get You Hired.
- 64 lessons
- What is HTML
- History Of HTML
- Versions Of HTML
- Text Editors
- Browsers
- Definition Of HTML Tag
- HTML Page Structure
- First Programm In HTML
- HTML Document
- HTML-Lecture Sheet 01Will be Provide In Class
- Types Of HTML Tag
- Definition Of HTML Elements
- HTML Paragraphs
- HTML Headings
- Why Headings Are Important
- HTML Formatting Tags
- HTML Horizontal Rules
- DOCTYPE Declaration
- HTML-Lecture Sheet 02Will be Provide In Class
- Definition of HTML Attributes
- Title Attribute
- Alignment Attribute
- Size Attribute
- Color Attribute
- Types Of HTML Color
- HTML Comments
- HTML-Lecture Sheet 03Will be Provide In Class
- Definition of HTML Links
- Kinds Of HTML Links
- Target Attribute
- HTML Image
- Src Attribute
- Concept About Folder Storage
- HTML-Lecture Sheet 04Will be Provide In Class
- Introduction of HTML List
- Types Of HTML List
- Target Attribute
- Ordered list (Numbered)
- Unordered List (Bulleted)
- Type Attribute
- Nested HTML Lists
- HTML-Lecture Sheet 05Will be Provide In Class
- Definition of HTML Table
- Table Cells
- Table Rows
- Table Headers
- Table Border, Height, Width & Align Attribute
- Table Colspan
- Table Rowspan
- HTML-Lecture Sheet 06Will be Provide In Class
- Definition of HTML Forms
- Form Elements
- Input Elements
- Select Element (Drop-Down List)
- Textarea Element (Drop-Down List)
- Submit Button
- Name Attribute & Value Attribute
- Action Attribute & Method Attribute
- HTML-Lecture Sheet 07Will be Provide In Class
- Definition of Multimedia
- HTML Video Elements
- HTML Audio Elements
- Audio & Video -Media Types
- HTML-Lecture Sheet 08Will be Provide In Class
- HTML Entities
- HTML Marquee Tag
- HTML Iframe Element
- Block-level Elements
- Inline Elements
- Div & Span Elements
- Semantic Elements
- HTML-Lecture Sheet 09Will be Provide In Class
- What is CSS
- Why Use CSS
- CSS Syntax
- Definition Of Internal CSS
- Definition Of External CSS
- Definition Of Inline CSS
- Cascading Order
- CSS-Lecture Sheet 01Will be Provide In Class
- Definition Of Selectors
- Element Selector
- Grouping Selectors
- ID Selector (Unique Identifier)
- Class Selector
- Difference between ID and Class in CSS
- Universal Selector, Type Selector, Descendant Selector
- Child Selector, Grouping Selector, CSS Attribute & CSS Attribute Value Selector
- CSS Comments
- CSS-Lecture Sheet 02Will be Provide In Class
- Text Color
- Text Alignment
- Text Indentation
- Text Decoration
- Letter-spacing
- Text Transformation
- Line Height
- Word-Spacing
- Text-Direction
- Text-Shadow
- CSS-Lecture Sheet 03Will be Provide In Class
- Height
- Width
- Max Height
- Max Width
- Min Height
- Min Width
- CSS-Lecture Sheet 04Will be Provide In Class
- Font Family
- Font Style
- Font Size
- Font Weight
- Font Variant
- Font -Shorthand Property
- CSS-Lecture Sheet 05Will be Provide In Class
- List Style Type
- List Style Image
- List Style Position
- List Style -Shorthand Property
- CSS-Lecture Sheet 06Will be Provide In Class
- Styling Links
- Visited link
- Unvisited Link
- Hover Link
- Active Link
- Link Button Style
- CSS-Lecture Sheet 07Will be Provide In Class
- Background Color
- Background Image
- Background Repeatk
- Background Position
- Background Attachment
- Background Size
- Background -Shorthand Property
- CSS-Lecture Sheet 07Will be Provide In Class
- Border Style
- Border Width
- Border Color
- Border -Shorthand Property
- Border -Shorthand Individual Sides
- Rounded Borders
- CSS-Lecture Sheet 09Will be Provide In Class
- Difination Of Padding
- Padding -Individual Sides
- Padding -Shorthand Individual
- Padding -Shorthand Property
- Difination Of Margin
- Margin -Individual Sides
- Margin -Shorthand Individual
- Margin -Shorthand Property
- The Auto Value
- CSS-Lecture Sheet 10 & 11Will be Provide In Class
- CSS Box Model
- Explanation of the different parts of CSS Box Model
- Calculate the Width and Height of an Element
- Box Sizing
- CSS-Lecture Sheet 12Will be Provide In Class
- Types Of Position
- Static Position
- Fixed Position
- Absolute Position
- Relative Position
- Overlapping Elements
- CSS-Lecture Sheet 13Will be Provide In Class
- Discuss About Display None, Block, Inline & Inline-block
- Override the Default Display Value by Display Block
- Override the Default Display Value by Display Inline
- CSS Float & Clear
- CSS Overflow
- CSS Cursor Property
- CSS-Lecture Sheet 14 & 15Will be Provide In Class
- Styling Forms
- CSS-Lecture Sheet 18Will be Provide In Class
- Table Borders
- Collapse Table Borders
- Table Width and Height
- Table Padding
- Hoverable Table
- Striped Table
- Table Color
- CSS-Lecture Sheet 20Will be Provide In Class
- Anchor pseudo-classes
- First-Child pseudo-classes
- Lang pseudo-classes
- Focus pseudo-classes
- CSS-Lecture Sheet 19Will be Provide In Class
- Vertical Navigation Bar
- Horizontal Navigation Bar
- Dropdown Navigation Bar
- CSS-Lecture Sheet 16Will be Provide In Class
- CSS Multiple Backgrounds
- CSS Gradients
- CSS Shadow Effects
- CSS 2D & 3D Transforms
- CSS Transitions
- CSS Animations
- CSS Pagination
- CSS Flexbox
- CSS-Lecture Sheet 21Will be Provide In Class
- Discuss About Website Layout
- Design of Website Layout -01
- Design of Website Layout -02
- Design of Website Layout -03
- Design of Website Layout -04
- Discuss About Media Queries
- Design a Web Page Using Less Framework
- Project 01: PSD To HTML Conversion. (A to Z)
- Project 02: Design a Band Template
- Project 03: Design a Art Template
- Project 03: Design a Architect Template
- Project 04: Design a Blog Template
- Project 05: Design a Food Blog Template
- Project 06: Design a Fashion Blog Template
- Project 07: Design a CV Template
- Project 08: Design a Wedding Invitation Template
- Project 09: Design a Photo Template
- Project 10: Design a Portfolio Template
- Definition and Why JS
- What can a JavaScript Do
- JavaScript Writing Style
- Internal & External script
- JavaScript Single Line & Multi-Line Comments
- JavaScript Output
- Discuss About innerHTML, document.write(), window.alert() & console.log()
- Changing HTML Content Using Javascript
- Changing HTML Attributes Using Javascript
- Changing CSS Styles Using Javascript
- Hide & Show HTML Elements Using Javascript
- Javascript-Lecture SheetWill be Provide In Class
- What is jQuery
- Adding jQuery to Your Web Pages
- jQuery Syntax
- First Writing a Programm With jQuery
- Document Ready Event
- jQuery-Lecture Sheet 01Will be Provide In Class
- What is jQuery Selectors
- The Element Selector
- The #id Selector
- The .class Selector
- jQuery Toggle Method
- jQuery Alert Method
- jQuery CSS Method
- jQuery-Lecture Sheet 02Will be Provide In Class
- What are Events
- Mouse Events
- Keyboard Events
- Form Events
- Document/Window Events
- The on() Method
- jQuery-Lecture Sheet 03Will be Provide In Class
- jQuery Effects - Hide and Show
- jQuery Effects - Fading
- jQuery Effects - Sliding
- jQuery Effects - Animation
- jQuery Callback Functions
- jQuery-Lecture Sheet 03 to 07Will be Provide In Class
- jQuery - Get Content and Attributes
- jQuery - Set Content and Attributes
- jQuery - Add Elements
- jQuery - Remove Elements
- jQuery - Get and Set CSS Classes
- jQuery-Lecture Sheet 08 to 10Will be Provide In Class
- Project 01 - Flip Toggle
- Project 02 - Animated Navbar With Responsive
- Project 03 - Image Slider Using jQuery Plugins
- jQuery-Lecture Sheet 08 to 10Will be Provide In Class
- What is PHP
- What Can PHP Do
- Versions of PHP
- PHP Installation
- XAMPP Server
- First Writing a Programm In HTML
- PHP-Lecture Sheet 01Will be Provide In Class
- What is Variable
- Rules for PHP variables
- PHP Variables Scope
- PHP Installation
- Comments in PHP
- Case Sensitivity in PHP
- Concatenate in PHP
- PHP-Lecture Sheet 02Will be Provide In Class
- PHP String
- PHP Float
- PHP Integer
- PHP Boolean
- PHP Array
- PHP Object
- PHP NULL Value
- PHP-Lecture Sheet 03Will be Provide In Class
- The PHP Echo Statement
- The PHP Print Statement
- PHP String Function
- Get The Length of a String
- Count The Number of Words in a String
- Reverse a String
- Search For a Specific Text Within a String
- Replace Text Within a String
- PHP-Lecture Sheet 04Will be Provide In Class
- What is Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Increment/Decrement Operators
- Logical Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- String Operators
- Array Operators
- Operands and Expressions
- PHP Constants
- PHP-Lecture Sheet 05Will be Provide In Class
- What is Conditional Statements
- PHP if Statement
- PHP if…else Statement
- PHP if…elseif…else Statement
- PHP Switch Statement
- PHP-Lecture Sheet 06Will be Provide In Class
- What is Loops
- PHP while Loops
- PHP do…while loops
- PHP for loops
- PHP foreach loops
- PHP-Lecture Sheet 07Will be Provide In Class
- Built-in Functions
- User defined functions
- PHP Function Arguments
- PHP Function Parameter
- PHP-Lecture Sheet 08Will be Provide In Class
- What is Array
- Indexed array
- PHP Associative Arrays
- PHP Multidimensional Arrays
- Get The Length of an Array
- Loop Through an Indexed Array
- Loop Through an Associative Array
- PHP-Lecture Sheet 09Will be Provide In Class
- What is Superglobals
- GET vs. POST
- PHP-Lecture Sheet 10Will be Provide In Class
- Write A Programm To Find The Average Of N Different Numbers
- Write A Programm To Find A Area Of Circle
- Write A Programm To Find The Leap Year
- Write A Programm To Calculate Percentage Of Total Amount
- Write A Programm To Determine Whether A Student Is Passed Or Failed In The Exam
- Write A Programm To Calculating The Summation, Subtraction, Multiplication And Division Using User Define Function
- Write A Programm To Determine A Given Number Even Or Odd
- Write A Programm To Convert Temperature From Celsius To Fahrenheit
- Write A Programm To Swapping Value Between The Two Variables
- Write A Programm To Calculating GPA
- Write A Programm To Find The Factorial Number
- Write A Programm To Find The Prime Number
- PHP-Lecture Sheet 11Will be Provide In Class
- What is Object Oriented Programming Language
- Defining A Class
- Properties Declaration
- Method Declaration
- Creating Object
- Constructor & Destructor Method Declaration
- Static Properties & Method
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Interfaces
- OOP-Lecture Sheet 01Will be Provide In Class
- What is SQL
- What can SQL to do
- The CREATE TABLE Statement
- SQL-Lecture Sheet 01Will be Provide In Class
- What is SQL Constraint
- NOT NULL Constraint
- UNIQUE Constraint
- PRIMARY KEY Constraint
- FOREIGN KEY Constraint
- SQL-Lecture Sheet 02Will be Provide In Class
- What is SELECT Statement
- Syntax of SELECT Statement
- SQL-Lecture Sheet 03Will be Provide In Class
- What is UPDATE Statement
- Syntax of UPDATE Statement
- UPDATE Multiple Records
- SQL ORDER BY Keyword
- SQL-Lecture Sheet 04Will be Provide In Class
- What is DELETE Statement
- Syntax of DELETE Statement
- SQL-Lecture Sheet 05Will be Provide In Class
- SQL WHERE Clause
- SQL LIMIT Clause
- SQL-Lecture Sheet 06Will be Provide In Class
- Operators In The WHERE Clause
- Equal, Not Equal, Greter Than, Less Than, Greter Than Or Equal, Less Than Or Equal etc.
- SQL AND, OR, NOT Operators
- Combining AND & OR Operators
- SQL IN Operator
- SQL BETWEEN Operator
- SQL LIKE Operator
- SQL NOT LIKE Operator
- SQL Wildcard Characters Operator
- UNION Operator
- UNION ALL Operator
- SQL-Lecture Sheet 07Will be Provide In Class
- What is ALTER TABLE Statement
- Add a Column in a Table
- DROP a Column in a Table
- MODIFY a Column in a Table
- Rename a Table Name
- Rename a Column Name
- SQL-Lecture Sheet 09Will be Provide In Class
- What is Data Types
- Text Ttypes
- Number Types
- Date Types
- TINYINT(size), SMALLINT(size), MEDIUMINT(size), INT(size), BIGINT(size), FLOAT(size,d), DOUBLE(size,d), DECIMAL(size,d)
- SQL-Lecture Sheet 10Will be Provide In Class
- What is Aggregate Function
- SQL MIN() & MAX() Function
- SQL COUNT() Function
- SQL AVG() Function
- SQL SUM() Function
- SQL-Lecture Sheet 11Will be Provide In Class
- What is SQL JOIN
- Types of SQL JOIN
- SQL-Lecture Sheet 12Will be Provide In Class
- Database Connection
- Create Or Insert Records
- Read Or Select Records
- Update Or Edit Records
- Delete Records
- CRUD Project-Lecture Sheet 15Will be Provide In Class
- Database Connection
- Admin Registration System
- Admin Login System
- Changing Password System
- A Simple Dashboard
- Authentication Project-Lecture Sheet 16Will be Provide In Class
- Step by Step A to Z School/College Dynamic Website Develop
- Source CoudeWill be Provide In Class
- Deploying Website to a Online Web Server.
- Concept About Domain & Hosting.
- C-Panel Server Management.
- Source CoudeWill be Provide In Class

Sed eget turpis a pede tempor malesuada. Vivamus quis mi at leo pulvinar hendrerit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis

Sed eget turpis a pede tempor malesuada. Vivamus quis mi at leo pulvinar hendrerit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis

Sed eget turpis a pede tempor malesuada. Vivamus quis mi at leo pulvinar hendrerit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis