This Comprehensive Course Covers The Key Technologies Used In Advance Web Design And Development, Including Bootstrap, Object Oriented PHP, Laravel Framwork, MySQL, GitHub, Laravel RestAPI & cPanel Management. With a Focus On Hands-On Learning, This Course Will Provide You With The Skills And Knowledge You Need To Build Dynamic, Interactive & Productive Web Application.
What you'll Learn
- you'll Learn The Latest Bootstrap V5 Framework.
- Also You’ll Learn The Bootstrap V4 Framework.
- You’ll Learn Different Breakpoints In Bootstrap.
- You’ll Learn How To Use Bootstrap Grid System.
- You’ll Learn Responsive Web Site Designing.
- You’ll Learn To Create Responsive Images, Tables And Typography.
- You’ll Learn All The Bootstrap Components Like, Badge, Breadcrumb, Buttons, Card, Modal, Tabs, Navbar, Carousel And Much More.
- You’ll Learn To Build A Complete Bootstrap Based Website.
- You’ll Design More Than 5 Different Responsive Projects.
- You’ll Learn To Build Customized Bootstrap Templates.
- Laravel 9 Fundamental A-Z.
- Authentication.
- Adding Professional Theme for Backend.
- Migration And Seeder.
- Spatie Laravel Permission Implementation. (Role & Permission)
- Query Builder.
- Eloquent ORM & Eloquent Relationship.
- Laravel File and Folder Structure.
- Form Validation And Error Handling.
- RESTful API with Laravel.
- Deploy Project Online.
- I Will Teach You Everything. All You Need Is A Computer.
- No Previous Coding Experience And No Pre-Knowledge Is Needed. This Is A 100% Comprehensive Web Development Course That Will Take You From Zero-Skills To A Cash Earning Web Developer, Step By Step With No Step Skipped.
- You Don’t Need To Buy Any Software. All Tools And Software Used In This Course Will Be Free.
- Prepare To Learn Real Life Skills And Build Real Web Apps That Will Get You Hired.
Employment Opportunities
- Government Services.
- Semi Government Services.
- Private Sectors.
- Corporation & NGO’s
- Multinational Company
- IT Services.
- Self-Business.
- Self-Employment.
- Online Marketplaces.
- Introduction to Bootstrap.
- What you will need.
- Bootstrap Installation.
- Hello World.
- Bootstrap 5 Document Structure.
- Breakpoints in Bootstrap 5.
- Containers.
- Grid.
- Grid Options.
- Nesting Rows and Columns.
- Column Vertical Alignment.
- Column Horizontal Alignment.
- Column Wrapping and Column Breaks.
- Margin Utilities.
- Gutters.
- Vertical Gutters.
- Horizontal Gutters.
- Lecture SheetWill be Provide In Class
- Typography.
- Inline Text Elements.
- Abbreviations and Blockquotes.
- Working with Lists.
- Tables in Bootstrap.
- Table Alignment, Nesting and Anatomy.
- Figures in Bootstrap.
- Lecture SheetWill be Provide In Class
- Forms in Bootstrap.
- Form Control.
- Checks and Radios.
- Input Groups.
- Range.
- Floating Labels.
- Form Layout.
- Horizontal Forms.
- Auto Sizing Forms.
- Inline Forms.
- Form Validation.
- Lecture SheetWill be Provide In Class
- Accordions.
- Alerts.
- Badges.
- Breadcrumb.
- Buttons.
- Button Group.
- Close Button.
- Card.
- Carousel.
- Collapse.
- Dropdowns.
- List group.
- Modal.
- Navbar.
- Navs & tabs.
- Offcanvas.
- Pagination.
- Placeholders.
- Popovers.
- Progress.
- Pagination.
- Scrollspy.
- Spinners.
- Toasts.
- Tooltips.
- Lecture SheetWill be Provide In Class
- Complete Design More Than 5 Different Responsive Web Template Projects.
- 5+ Premium Bootstrap Template Customization.
- Admin Template Customization.
- Deploy Projects On Live Server.
- Lecture SheetWill be Provide In Class
- Essential Enviroment Setup.
- Laravel Installation.
- Discuss on Laravel Folder Structure.
- What is MVC and Its Benefits.
- Laravel Routes.
- Laravel Url, URL to Route.
- Laravel Naming Routes.
- Laravel Views.
- Passing data to views.
- Laravel Blade Syntax.
- Laravel Layout Setup.
- Laravel Controller.
- Resources and Controllers.
- Create Database and Configaration.
- Laravel Migrations.
- Creating Migrations and Dropping Them.
- Adding Columns to Existing Tables Using Migrations.
- Laravel Models.
- Laravel Data Seeding.
- Laravel Seeder with Factories.
- Eloquent ORM Read Users Data.
- Query Builder Read Users Data.
- Form Validation & Show Custom Error Message.
- Eloquent ORM Insert Data.
- Insert Data With Query Builder.
- Laravel Mass Assignment.
- Eloquent ORM Read Data.
- Query Builder Read Data.
- Laravel Pagination.
- Eloquent ORM Edit & Update.
- Query Builder Edit & Update Data.
- Delete Data.
- Soft Deleting / Trashing.
- Retrieving Deleted / Trashed Records.
- Restoring Deleted / Trashed Records.
- Deleting a Record Permanently.
- Eloquent ORM Relationships.
- One to One Relationship.
- The Inverse Relation.
- One to Many Relationship.
- Many to Many Relationship.
- Eloquent ORM Read Users Data.
- Eloquent ORM Insert Image.
- Eloquent ORM Edit,Update Data With Image.
- Delete Data With Image.
- Image Insert & Resize With Intervention Package.
- Multiple Image Upload.
- Laravel Authentication Install.
- Laravel Authentication Details.
- Custom User Authentication.
- Update User Profile and Change Password.
- Forgot Password & Password Reset.
- Email Verify in Laravel.
- Laravel Middleware.
- Admin Panel Setup.
- Login Page Setup.
- Logout Page Setup.
- Role & Permission with Spatie.
- Fontend Templete Setup.
- Laravel Sessions.
- Flashing Data.
- Toster Notification.
- Installing Editor with WYSIWYG Packages.
- Disqus Comment System.
- Deploying On Live Server.
- Lecture SheetWill be Provide In Class
- A to Z will be Cover in the Class.
- Lecture SheetWill be Provide In Class
- A to Z will be Cover in the Class.
- Lecture SheetWill be Provide In Class
- A to Z will be Cover in the Class.
- Lecture SheetWill be Provide In Class
- A to Z will be Cover in the Class.
- Lecture SheetWill be Provide In Class
- A to Z will be Cover in the Class.
- Lecture SheetWill be Provide In Class
- A to Z will be Cover in the Class.
- Lecture SheetWill be Provide In Class

Sed eget turpis a pede tempor malesuada. Vivamus quis mi at leo pulvinar hendrerit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis

Sed eget turpis a pede tempor malesuada. Vivamus quis mi at leo pulvinar hendrerit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis

Sed eget turpis a pede tempor malesuada. Vivamus quis mi at leo pulvinar hendrerit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis